Two in one day - I know. So crazy, but I felt that I should update the blog on more than a few words and a simple picture. This is from an email I sent to a group of people today, who hopefully didn't mind a random self-imposed update. I think I was lonely. Anyways:
-As of now, I am settled (kind of) into my new dorm room in Klaipeda, Lithuania at LCC International University and into my second day of classes. Lithuania is very different from what I expected, and the transition is very different from what I expected. Now, Lith is no Paris, but it definitely has it's own beauty. Scattered throughout the country are old soviet buildings - some still standing, and abandoned to the elements. Many of the houses are stone grey, with few windows and many doors, which is, I believe, "Soviet" style. That may not sound appealing to most of you because fact, it isn't. It has very little incredibly beautiful architecture that you might find in Rome, nor does it have tourist-drawing sights like London or New York, but what it does have is history, a dark one at that, and re-growth. And there is the beauty: When I walk around the city, or chat with my roommate, I realize that these are a people moving out of that history (though not away from it) and into a more westernized civilization.To see a group of people enjoying their freedom, and rebuilding a nation and an identity, that is beautiful. Re-growth is beautiful. The food is strange and so is the language, but, since we're on the topic of history, many people before me have adjusted to such things. I've come to realize that adapting is a choice rather than a natural progression that just happens over time. Adapting to new situations takes conscious effort on the part of the person dealing with it, and if you can't adapt, can't broaden your perspective from the only, familiar, comfortable one you know, then living becomes much more difficult. Through the help of my mom, I've been learning much about Daniel: about the new situation he found himself in, and the choice he made to glorify God. When interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's vision (an outrageously daunting task) Daniel explained that this ability was given to him not because of some great wisdom he possessed that surpassed any man alive, but so that Neb could have understanding - peace at mind, you could say- concerning what the vision was. After the interpretation, we read that, as the vision points to the kingdom of God, the King fell before Daniel, praising God. So in choosing to adapt in a way the was pleasing to God (remember, he chose not to defile himself), Daniel had the opportunity of exposing the king to the glory of the Lord, and God's future plans. So my prayer now is that in choosing to adapt to this new place, in a manner that is most honoring to the Lord, that I too may be used for some great purpose. Knowing that God is good, faithful, and able to do exceedingly beyond what I could ever imagine, I expect great growth as a woman, a human being, a citizen of the world, and, most importantly, a child of God. I would ask that you keep me in your prayers - pray for strength to get through each day and each moment, pray for peace in an uncomfortable situation, pray that my mind would be Christ-centered instead of self-centered, and pray for opportunities to love and serve others. Though there hasn't been a day yet that I haven' fought back tears, I am exceedingly joyful knowing that God is with me and very thankful to have an opportunity and an experience such as this. Please feel free to write emails and letters, skype with me during the hours that we are both awake, and follow my blog. I think I've only put up one picture thus far, because I haven't taken too many, but keep checking back and hopefully I will get better at taking and posting pictures. Also, I will try to send email updates here and there, when I get the chance and remember to do so. Thank you all for your tremendous support through this time.-
Thank you for your email Hannah! I will be praying for you and know the Lord will use this experience to mold you and shape you into the beautiful vessel He has in mind. I know you are lonely, but remember He will ALWAYS be with you, and promises His Spirit as well. I felt similar when I went to Alaska, but the Lord used the experience to make me more confident and to teach me that though my situation has changed, HE is the same! We all miss you! If we want to skype with you, should we send an email? What is the time difference?