This is the first week back from holiday jaunts and travels to California and back, to Annapolis and back again, and the winter blues are creeping and threatening already. Home was wonderful (but isn't it always?). My little sister, Emma, and I have not been in the same place since last Christmas - a whole year apart and with no sister snuggles makes for a hard year indeed. Together, we welcomed baby Evangeline to the world and to our family and had lots of chill time. Too short, indeed. I had a few days back in beverly before driving down to Annapolis to welcome in the new year with my love. Hou and I spent the weekend bird watching, coffee drinking, and playing lots of games. Both trips made it hard to say goodbye. I am not ready to start this year here, far away from Mom and Dad, sisters and brother, from Houston, and in this below-sero weather nonetheless. SO: this morning I've chosen to stay in my pajamas 'til the afternoon, write letters to my adventurous friends, consider the snow, and pray hard about the seasons to come. I am not re-starting this blog because I am starting on a new adventure, or opening a new chapter. Right now there's not a lot of newness in my life at all, just cold and snow and my thoughts. So here's to documenting small moments, sharing small victories, and reveling in small joys. Happy New Year, y'all!