1. Timtammin in Lietuva!
2. Matching matching mittens cubed
3. Cards which speak for themselves
4. T and D actually being friends!
5. A blurry but joyful picture of A, D, and I
(these girls whom I love so much)
My time in Lithuania is drawing to a close.
Each time I am in the kitchen, stirring my medley of vegetables,
or scrounging through my cupboard looking for the pepper, I realize just how much I will miss this place.
I wrote this in an email to a dear friend this past week,
and am pasting it here as I can find no better way to express my thoughts about leaving:
As I make dinner, I realize that I am going to miss reading "Origan" and "Persil" on my spices,
and as I walk through the Old Town and stop on the bridge
to watch the sky turn bright pink with the black trees silhouetted against it,
I realize that I may never again see the water I am now looking into,
nor the person I am standing next to,
nor the boy I passed on the street.
I find it so interesting how much my heart has changed in these past few months,
and so much more inspiring how faithful and constant my Heavenly Father is.
He has been the same through all of the tears and laughter,
and truly, He has turned my darkness into light (Ps.18:28).
However sad I am though, moments like these become all the more real, special, and meaningful.