There's a hurricane outside, so the trees are bending beneath the wind, and the rain is scattered amongst the dark clouds and the light. My night will be filled with tea, reading, and writing, not to mention cozy pjs. I think I'll attempt one of mom's recipes for dinner - at least, I'll attempt the main idea. I don't think I've ever had to go grocery shopping in a hurricane before, but alas, there is a first for everything. The clouds move so fast here that it could be drizzling, then pouring, then sunny all in a matter of minutes. The grey clouds + the time of day creates a purple haze in the atmosphere that is really beautiful. This morning, I awoke to an email from a dear friend at Gordon, which I am so thankful for - not only because she has thoughtful and encouraging words to share, but because in writing back, she made me reflect on the past few weeks, reminding me of all the wonderful things God has done therefore my heart is grateful.
Yesterday, I met with the study abroad director for tea because we had watched a documentary in class that moved me to tears, and we wanted to discuss it. "The Singing Revolution" describes the nonviolent revolution in Estonia, and the struggle of the Baltic states to maintain their culture and national identity under the USSR. The weekend prior to this viewing, the class was assigned a journal in which we were to read about Lithuanian culture and history and answer the question "What historical events set Lithuania apart?" So I was already amazed and overwhelmed at the perseverance and unity that is unique to these surrounding cultures by the time we watched the documentary - I was a goner. I hope you, whoever you are reading this silly little blog of mine, will be able to view it yourselves. It depicts something that we in America have never really experienced, something that is difficult to understand, but when you begin to realize what oppression means for these people, and that a government can threaten a thousand years of history and culture, I think you too will be overwhelmed at their love of country and understand why they fought to preserve their culture.
My American Lit class is going through the early periods, so having just finished accounts authored by the early pilgrims, we've moved onto Hawthorne's Scarlett Letter. All of these make it hard not to miss Massachusetts, as I'm reminded of it everyday. However, I am full of anticipation for what the Lord has for me here in the Baltics, in Klaipeda, Lithuania. For now, here is a sunset over the pond and city, and a trailer of the singing revolution.
'Till next time: "He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because He delighted in me." Ps. 18:19
Hannah V.
The Singing Revolution Trailer